Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thing #23--Copyright, Creative Commons and Congratulations

This course has shown me so many tools that I can use and show others. At first I thought the course would be a breeze because I am technology oriented already but a majority of the items I was not currently using and was flabbergasted with what is out there in tech land. My favorite items were, of course, the blogging information, social bookmarking, rss feeds and wikis. However, it is hard to limit myself to a few of them because I really feel that most of the tools can be incorporated into my library website. Podcasts, audiobooks, flickr, etc... are all items that my middle school students can utilize easily. The teachers in my school are going to love these tools. I can't wait to offer in-services to show them.

The only downfall was the amount of time devoted was way over the 23 hours. Each new tool I would get lost in researching and using and probably spent 2-3 hours on each individual tool. Even though I spent a lot more time on this course then I thought I would it was well worth it and I really enjoyed the class. I would love to keep abreast of any newer technology tools if another course is ever offered.

Now if I can just get our school to unlock the filter so my students can use my blog and some of the other tools at school . . .

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